Greatest Hits, Twits & Tweets

Charlie tweets. A lot. Gives plenty of live talks and records scads of video blogs too. Some of them are quite good. Some of them, not so much.

Rather than shift through the 10,000+ posts yourself, we've assembled a few of his more popular, quotable and provocative nuggets here.

"Impossible" is just a fancy way of saying "no one else has figured out a way to do this yet."

If you're not pissing off a few people, you're probably not exciting anybody either.

If you're just doing what's expected of you, expect to be replaced.

Before an idea can flourish, it needs a soundbite to take root.

The only people who haven't clicked "skip intro" on your site are you, your flash developer and people on an iPhone that can't see your site at all.

If you don't have well defined goals written down for the day, I guarantee you'll be busy, but I doubt you'll be productive.

There will never be a shortage of great ideas. There will always be a shortage of people who act on them.

Change one habit. Start one conversation. Move one project forward. This is how we start to change the world.

The bad news can find it's own way. Use your voice to pass along and amplify the good news.

Facebook reconnects your past. Linkedin connects your present. Twitter connects you with your future.

There's no substitute for experiencing the fun, passion and content of Charlie's live presentations. Invite Charlie to speak at your next conference, seminar or meeting. Call 248-766-9994 for details.


Closing the gaps between your productivity your potential at Ignite Lansing

A look at how we're stealing time, talent and triumphs from the world. Let's vanquish evil productivity killers and create a life worthy of our boundless potential. Let's start less, finish more and make it happen.


Detroit's Next Great Story from TEDxDetroit

The one constant throughout Detroit's history has been reinvention. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and kicking in the Motor City.


GeoLocation from WXYZ Detroit

The one constant throughout Detroit's history has been reinvention. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and kicking in the Motor City.


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