Greatest Hits, Twits, & Tweets

“Let Me Explain. No, There Is Too Much. Let Me Sum Up…”

Charlie has a more than a few crazy ideas. He creates plenty of interesting content for his clients too. Some of his rants are quite good. Some of them, not so much. Rather than shift through the thousands of posts yourself, we’ve assembled a few of his more popular, quotable and provocative nuggets here.

Charlie is a regular speaker, guest, and contributor for many conferences, corporations, and media outlets including…


Charlie clearly loves what he does. And it’s contagious. He helps you fall in love with what you’re learning–and creates a fearless confidence that you too can apply information and ideas he’s presenting. I hear a lot of speakers on a variety of topics and Charlie is one of the best.

– Penny Shanks, Clarkston Chamber

Wake up your next event with a Talk from Charlie.

Let’s talk about how we can educate, entertain, and enlighten your audience.